Homecoming 2024
FFA Barbecue Dinner | Star Party | Football Game | High School Dance
Spirit Week is October 21-25!
Homecoming Spirit Week is coming to Trivium Prep! All Trivium Prep 6th-12th grade students are invited to show their CRIMSON KNIGHT pride during our annual Spirit Week! Follow each day’s theme below to show your school spirit! Please note, on all spirit days, uniform dress code remains in effect unless specifically stated otherwise.
Students may wear non-uniform tennis shoes of any color AND crazy socks all week! (Please note: Crocs, Slippers, or Sandals are NOT allowed).
Spirit shirts may be worn any day of the week, in lieu of the day’s theme. Spirit Wear outerwear will be permitted to be worn in class during Spirit Week. On College Day/Sports Day, outwear may be worn in class (hoodies/jackets). A t-shirt must be worn under sports jerseys. Students who wear offensive/inappropriate items will need to change or be sent home.
Please reach out to the Deans with any questions.
Spirit Week Schedule:
- Monday, October 21 – Sports Day
- Tuesday, October 22 – Tourist Day
- Wednesday, October 23 – Literary Figure Day* or Spirit Wear/Jeans Day
- Thursday, October 26 – College Shirt Day
- Friday, October 27 – Spirit Wear Day
*Literary Figure Day costume must be pre-approved by the Deans. Complete a form in their office by 10/17.
Trivium FFA Presents:
Barbecue Dinner & Dessert
Please join us for our annual barbecue and auction on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 5:30 PM in the Accomazzo Quad!
This evening has become a tradition of supporting our football team, recognizing our alumni,
and celebrating our community! This year, the event will help “kick-off” Homecoming Week along with the Trivium Prep Stargazing Party!
Saturday, October 19, 5:30 PM, Accomazzo Quad
Tickets are available to purchase online through the parent payment portal on the Trivium website. Tickets will be available to purchase online through October 16 or until our capacity is sold out. If we have not sold out by the evening of the dinner, tickets will be on sale at the gate for $20 each.
Click Here to Purchase Dinner Tickets
$15 per plate (children 6 and under free) – Purchase online through October 16 or until sold out. If additional tickets remain, they can be purchased at the gate for $20 per plate.
Those who attend will enjoy:
- Delicious BBQ Meal : BBQ Meat, Dutch Oven Potatoes, Baked Beans, Salad, & Fruit
- Desserts and Gift Baskets
- Cornhole Tournament
Come enjoy the 2nd Annual Trivium Star Party!
The Astronomy Association of Arizona with be on campus once again the evening of October 19, 2024, for a fabulous opportunity to view the night sky. Numerous amateur astronomers, including TVP faculty member, Mr. Manne, will set up incredible telescopes to view Saturn, the Moon, nebulae, star clusters and other deep sky objects starting at 7 pm until 9 pm adjacent to the football field. TVP students and their families are welcome to attend, however, every student MUST always have an adult with them.
Let’s hope for clear skies, but if not – a rain / cloud make up date will be announced.
Homecoming Football Game
Friday, October 25, 2024 – Kick-Off at 7:00 pm
Tickets $5 adults / $2 students
Volunteer at the Snack Bar – Free Game Entry and $5 Snack Bar Credit
High School Homecoming Dance (Trivium Prep 9th-12th Grade Students)
Saturday, October 26, 7-10 pm at Trivium Prep Gym
All Trivium Prep High School (9th-12th grade) students are invited to attend our Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 26, from 7-10 PM in the gym. This year’s theme is Harvest Moonlight Soiree.
Tickets are $15 advance online purchase, $20 at the door. Online pre-sale ends Thursday, October 24.
Modest and appropriate dress will be enforced.
Purchase Homecoming Dance Tickets